Top Outdoor Restaurant Lighting Ideas

Often, you would go to a restaurant as you have heard their food is worth trying, but as soon as you step in, the lighting instantly can give you an idea about how your experience is going to be. If the lighting is bad, how can you enjoy the food if you cannot even properly see it (OK we know that is a little extreme, but you get the gist).

There is an abundance of restaurants in every area. However, the restaurants that pay attention to proper outdoor lighting in Massachusetts are shockingly rare.

The sooner you realize the outdoor lighting in Massachusetts plays a huge role in ensuring your customers get the ideal atmosphere they can enjoy their food in, the better!

Stand Out from Other Restaurants with Wash Lighting

Every city is filled with variety of restaurants nowadays. Since there are so many options to choose from, what are the chances of a potential customer getting intrigued to check your restaurant while being on the road?

The chances of the customer stopping by can unfortunately be very little if there is nothing attractive about your restaurant’s outdoor appearance to spark their interest.

There are many ways to go about outdoor lighting in a restaurant but the most common approach is wash lighting, as it washes over the walls of the restaurant to light it up softly. This can be the ideal lighting especially if your walls have some texture on them as the wash lighting can beautifully highlight the texture, produce the right shadows and make the walls look a lot more aesthetic.

Do not Neglect the Pathway

The pathway is one of the most important parts of the restaurant. Unfortunately, it is also the most neglected part of the entire place. The customers are not just coming for the food, they are coming for a new experience they will likely remember and talk to other people about as well.

If you have any landscapes, you can light them up through path lights in a way that the light fixture cannot be seen, only the light it gives off. You can do this to any pathways such as the pathway leading to the outdoors, the pathway leading to the restaurant, the pathway used for exiting and whatnot.

Overhead lighting is also an excellent way to light the path if you cannot use path lights.

Decide the Right Atmosphere

Doing outdoor lighting in Massachusetts in your restaurant can be so much easier if you are able to decide what kind of atmosphere you want your customers to experience.

Lighting is essential when it comes to making the perfect atmosphere you are looking for. You can have the ideal furniture, the right pieces of decoration and even the exact color of the walls for a particular experience you wish to create, but if the lighting is not right, all of this goes down the drain.

One thing you must not do is mix the wrong kind of lighting together. If you are going for a minimal-styled restaurant, a lot of lights will ruin the entire style you spent so much time and money to portray.

How Light Can Impact You and Your Food

In this age of technology, it is hard to come across customers who do not put the food they bought on social media sites. Some customers even care more about how the food looks as compared to how it tastes.

Food is essential to attract customers, but the right lighting can cast an impression the customers will keep coming back for.

The customers also do not want light which will make them look bad as well. It is essential to add the lights which will not only compliment the food, but also the person eating it. Elegant lamps, moonlighting, string lights are some options you can experiment with to see which one works for your restaurant.

Warm light is ideal for bringing out the colors of your food. Cool-toned lighting can bring down the vibrant colors of the food as well as dull the atmosphere.

Be Wary of Safety Hazards

No one wants a bad reputation for their restaurant, especially if it is about being a safety hazard for the customers.

If you make the mistake of not lighting your pathways, your front entrance and even the parking lot properly, the customer can easily trip and fall, for which the blame will likely come on you.

Highlighting the Decoration is Essential

Do not forget lighting any fountains or statues that you may have in your restaurant. They can look magnificent when lit properly, so highlight them with downlighting or up lighting to make sure they maintain their beauty.

YardLighting Pros can Transform Your Restaurant with Professional Outdoor Lighting

Although you may know the basics of outdoor lighting in Massachusetts after reading this guideline, it is understandable for you to still be unsure about which lighting would be right for each part of your restaurant.

The ideal outdoor lighting for restaurant can require a lot of skill, experience and knowledge about lighting, which is where our professionals come in the picture. We have a variety of services which you can choose from and then inquire about the quote.

Let YardLighting Pros do justice to your restaurant. Contact us now at 781.262.0078.